This month STT interviews Thomas Palumbo.  Coach Palumbo has been a strength and conditioning coach for the Ohio State Buckeyes since 2001. Palumbo came to Ohio State from the Pittsburgh Pirates organization where he served as a Minor League conditioning coach for the 2001 season. His team, the Williamsport Crosscutters won the NY/Penn League championship. From 1999-2001 Palumbo was the assistant strength and conditioning coach at the University of Georgia. While earning his master’s degree in Physical Education and Sport Studies, Palumbo was a graduate assistant for the P.E. department and a volunteer strength and conditioning coach at UGA.

STT would like to thank Coach Palumbo for taking the time to answer a few questions.  Tom’s creative program design is worth finding out more about.  Check out the Q&A between STT and Coach Palumbo below!

STT: Please provide you educational background including undergrad, graduate experience and certifications.

Coach Palumbo: B.S. Microbiology University of Georgia, MEd. Physical Education and Sport Studies University of Georgia

STT: How did you become involved in the industry?

Coach Palumbo: Internship.

STT: What is your specialization? Feel free to expand upon your job responsibilities, interests or current project you are working on.

Coach Palumbo: Physical development of stick and ball sport athletes.

STT: What aspect of the field do you enjoy the most?  Feel free to elaborate and provide multiple examples.

Coach Palumbo: The evolution of the athletic performance of athletes which generates greater individual and team success.

STT: What advice would you have for those wishing to become a part of the industry?

Coach Palumbo: Be willing to volunteer your time with multiple strength coaches.  You will gain greater experience and increase your networking.  Always do more than what is expected.

STT: Do you have other tips to help players maintain performance (or delay fatigue) throughout a game?

Coach Palumbo: Assuming that the volume of training is appropriate then nutrition, hydration, and restoration/recovery/rest must be addressed.

STT: Do muscle imbalances cause compensatory movement patterns or visa-versa?

Coach Palumbo: Muscle imbalances cause compensatory movement patterns.  Repetative movement patterns cause muscle imbalances.

STT: What is the most influential factor that keeps you, the fitness professional or coach, keep doing what you are doing?

Coach Palumbo: Job satisfaction derived from athletes’ success.

STT: Where do you use plyometrics in your weekly plan? Do the plyometrics come after weight work or before? On the day of weight work or the day after?

Coach Palumbo: They precede the lift after appropriate warm up.

STT: How much of a mental coaching approach do you have to take with the athletes you train?

Coach Palumbo: More than I ever imagined.  Most lack of success comes from limitations placed on the athlete by himself/herself.  Lack of desire is also a limiting factor.  “The body will achieve what the mind believes.”

STT: Why are stability balls, foam pads, balance boards, and other types of equipment often used in core strength training? Is this type of equipment essential?

Coach Palumbo: In any running sport, I will use these pieces sparingly throughout the year with a greater emphasis during post season play.  I address core strength training through ground based multi-joint exercises.

STT: What are some of the exercises that are most crucial to a successful core strengthening program?

Coach Palumbo: All sport appropriate ground based multi-joint exercises.

Keep in touch with STT for an interview with Coach Quay from Elite Athlete Training Services.  For more information about upcoming interviews, and to keep in touch with STT, join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook by searching SMARTER Team Training.

I hope all is well.  Have a great day!