This month STT interviews Alan Stein, CEO and Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for Stronger Team, LLC which is located in Rockville, MD. The primary goal of Stronger Team is to provide the latest basketball specific strength & conditioning workouts, information, and concepts to help coaches and players of all ages and levels, all over the world, maximize their basketball potential.

STT would like to thank Coach Stein for taking the time to answer a few questions. Alan’s passion and enthusiasm are second to none in the basketball strength and conditioning field as you can tell from the interview. Check out the Q&A between STT and Coach Stein below!

STT: Please provide your educational background including undergrad, graduate experience and certifications.

Coach Stein: I have a bachelor’s degree in Sport Management from Elon College (1999)… which is now Elon University. I have been CSCS certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) and CCS certified by the National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA).

STT: How did you become involved in the industry?

Coach Stein: I played basketball in high school and college and always had a passion for strength & conditioning. My passion grew so strong that I knew I wanted to make a career out of it!

STT: What is your specialization? Feel free to expand upon your job responsibilities, interests or current project you are working on.

Coach Stein: I specialize in working with basketball players of all ages and levels and focus on every aspect of performance enhancement except for skill work (I don’t do ball handling, shooting, etc.). This includes warm-up/cool-down, flexibility, quickness/agility, reaction, strength, power, conditioning, pre-hab, and nutrition.

STT: What aspect of the field do you enjoy the most? Feel free to elaborate and provide multiple examples.

Coach Stein: I enjoy the personal relationships I build with my players and the satisfaction derived from helping them become the best players they can be.

STT: What advice would you have for those wishing to become a part of the industry?

Coach Stein: Work on your craft every day. Read, watch, or listen to something every day that will make you a better strength coach. Once you have a sound base of knowledge, begin to form your own training philosophy… but always keep an open mind and continue to learn from as many other methodologies as you can. Put energy, enthusiasm, and effort into every workout. Don’t let anyone out work you!

STT: How do you approach a parent who is seen teaching his child an exercise incorrectly or dangerously?

Coach Stein: Unless there is serious immediate danger; you wait and politely approach the parent when the child isn’t around and engage in a friendly discussion.

STT: What is the most influential factor that keeps you, the fitness professional or coach, keep doing what you are doing?

Coach Stein: Love of my craft and the ability to have a positive impact on young people.

STT: When you meet with an athlete who you’re going to potentially work with what are some of the things you look for when you are screening them pre training?

Coach Stein: First and foremost, I look for a positive attitude, someone who is coachable, and someone who is driven to get better. If they have those three characteristics… we’ll make a great team. Physiologically I look for glaring problems in their posture and gait and major muscle imbalances or weaknesses.

STT: What are some key tips for successful strengthening of the body core?

Coach Stein: Train the core in all three planes of motion and from as many angles as possible (using a wide variety of modalities). Also incorporate acceleration, deceleration, and slow/controlled constant tension.

Keep in touch with STT for an interview with Dr. Antonio of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  For more information about upcoming interviews, and to keep in touch with STT, join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook by searching SMARTER Team Training.

I hope all is well.  Enjoy your holiday season!