Our first grand slam sponsor has been confirmed for the 4th Annual Strength and Conditioning/Athletic Development Conference in Baltimore, MD. Located in Washington, DC, Zephyr Technology contacted STT to support one of the largest strength and conditioning events in the region.

Zephyr Technology specializes in Performance Status Monitoring (PSM) Solutions focused on strength and conditioning for coaches and athletes.

The BioHarnessTM is the core of the solution, delivering heart and breathing rate, skin temperature, activity and position. There are two automatic tests built into the OmniSenseTM software; the Auto Conconi method or Auto Beep test that can be administered live or in logged mode.

Zephyr is the only solution to combine the five physiological parameters into a single, lightweight strap. The benefits are:

-Breathing rate allows direct measure of VT2 (Anaerobic threshold). Training the body to better utilize fat and carbohydrates is important for performance. VT2 is the threshold between these two fuels.

-Using breathing rate to accurately indicate your training heart rate allows you to improve endurance and power for performance.

-Using activity to contextualize if HR response is due to hard work or just poor shape.

If you are interested in learning more about the Zephyr difference go to www.zephyr-technology.com. For more information regarding the event in Baltimore, MD on July 23 and 24, and to register, go to www.smarterteamtraining.com/register.php.