Sitting here in the Holiday Inn Express in Wixom, MI getting ready to head over to the Total Performance Center to set up for tomorrow’s clinic. I am heading over to meet Jim Kielbaso and see what he has in store for tomorrow. The facility is great. The line up of speakers is legit! And I am pumped to get this regional event off the ground. If you have not registered yet, do it today by clicking here.

Ron McKeefery from USF and Alan Stein from Stronger Team are flying in today. Rick Court from the University of Toledo and Nick Wilson from the University of Detroit Mercy are coming in later this evening too. Mike Gittleson formerly of the University of Michigan and Gordie Schaeffler from the Total Performance Center will be here tomorrow morning to get this event rolling.

Before I forget, I want to thank the sponsors and give them a shout out. Often times when doing these events we forget to thank at least one person and I do not want to be that guy. I appreciate the support that each representative has provided the SC/AD Michigan Regional Clinic. A sincere “thank you” needs to go out to Sally Crawford from Fusion Sport, Don King from All Pro Exercise, Aaron Thomas from Progenex, and Bill Jacobs from Bill Jacobs Power Company. Please contact each of them for your equipment and supplement needs this year. I am sure they would appreciate an email from you. You can find their contact information by clicking here.

I am sure I will have some highlights to share of the event. Hopefully I will be able to get them up over the next two to three weeks. I will have updates on Facebook, YouTube, and the blog following the event. If I can, I will be updating everyone on Twitter during the event too.

I look forward to hearing your feedback. It is exciting to be bringing people together to discuss strength and conditioning in a new area of the country. The classroom presentations look awesome, the hands-on learning experience is top notch, and the ability to network with some of the best in the business is incredible.

Thanks again to Sally, Don, Aaron, and Bill! Alan, Rick, Mike, Ron, Jim, Gordie, Nick, the TPC staff, my assistants, and everyone else involved with this event… THANK YOU! I truly am lucky to be able to share my passion with people like each of you. I would not want it any other way.

I hope all is well. Have a great day.