Here is the scenario.  You are at your child’s early morning indoor soccer practice and can’t make it to the gym.  You want to watch practice to see how good they are getting.  You also know the rest of your day is jammed packed, so you need to squeeze in a quick cardio session to feel better about the day ahead.  Talk to the coach, and take the initiative to challenge the team after practice to two fitness exercises.  The first is called “six in 50” which if you have youngsters may become “five in 50” or “four in 50” for the really little ones.  Starting on the left side of the 18 yard box, sprint as fast as you can to the far side of the 18 and come back.  That is two lengths.  Complete the over and back sequence two more times for a total of six in less than fifty seconds.  Use the same sequence for the second challenge.  Starting on the goal line and come back to the starting spot after touching the top of the 18.  Try “14” for the high school or older, “12” for those who want to be on varsity next year, and “10” when challenging the youngster.