Looking for a way to change up your treadmill running program?  What about adding some interval training into your workout?  How about some incline running to really crank up the intensity?  Try this workout to pump up your workout today.  This 15 minute will help take your cardio or strength training to the next level.

Run at 6.0 MPH at 0.0 incline for 2 minutes.  Then take 20 seconds to catch your breath and set up the next sprint segment.  Repeat two times at 6.5 and 7.0 MPH.  Then increase the incline to 4.0 and set the treadmill to 7.5 MPH.  Run for 1:50 minutes and catch your breath for 20 seconds.  Repeat two more times at 8.0 and 8.5 MPH to finish the workout.

Train hard!  Be positive.  And remember that it simply boils down to effort.  Are you willing to compete today?  Will you do more today than your last workout?  Did you outwork your competition?

STT looks forward to seeing you at the top of your game!