This week on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker, STT interviews an underground coach. Zach Even – Esh has a passion for old school strength, which is the way people trained back in the 1960’s and prior. Zach’s training information began cultivating back in 1989 in his older brother’s room where a 90 lb. sand filled Joe Weider weight set and an adjustable Weider Bench were all Zach had. Through many years in hard core bodybuilding and wrestling, Zach learned the ins and outs of what worked and what didn’t work. The days of training in his brother’s room led to the outdoors at beat up, thugged out playgrounds, dingy basements, crappy garages and finally, Zach’s very own Underground Strength Gym, a hardcore athletic trianing facility located in Edison, NJ.

The SMARTER Team Training Audio Interview Series has been developed to share insights from some of the best in the industry. Stay tuned for more insights, tips, drills, and techniques to come from STT on iTunes, STT on Stitcher and STT on Spreaker. Be sure to share the STT Audio Interview Series with coaches, trainers, parents, and athletes too.