Throughout my career motivated individuals have surrounded me. This inspiration at times was tough to feel during the daily grind, and other times the real life energy was obvious. When our paths cross, I am proud to see that the athletes come up to me for a handshake or high five and the stories they remind me about put an instant smile on my face.

This new segment will showcase the letters that many have written, myself or the athletes and coaches that I have worked with; to share their inspiration with those we call “teammates.” As you read through the messages that are shared, please remember that what is inside you can separate you from the rest. Look around and you may be surprised how many others are in need of just a little enthusiasm to push them closer to their goals: professionally, physically, mentally, etc.

I will begin with a letter that I sent to a team that I am still very proud of to this day. No names needed. Just a sincere message that I hope can impact others to pay it forward by giving energy to those around them.

Please leave your feedback in the comments section at the bottom. How are you preparing your team, coaches, administrators, staff, co-workers, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers to have a positive mindset in both good and challenging times?


How was graduation? Best day of your life, right? I’m hoping you are having lots of fun hanging out with your friends! I’m hoping you are looking forward to summer school as well and finally starting your college career. We are looking forward to having you as a part of this team and it all starts with the effort and work you put in before you arrive on campus.

As much as I know you want to relax all day everyday before you come to summer school, it would benefit you as well as the team to do what is in those little books Rob gives you. It is the exact same workouts that we are doing here in the weight room and out on the turf. I know they look intimidating at first, I know I had no idea what to do when I first got a book in the mail. Read through them! All that I am suggesting is that you workout for not even two hours a day and come to summer school in shape and ready to go. I think that there are many girls who have not taken the books seriously in the past and they kind of get a slap in the face when they get here. We were all the best players in our area in high school, but in college it is a whole different level. I want you to be ready to go when you get here because you will progress much faster if you are already in shape when you arrive. Rob and the coaches won’t have to worry about your fitness level and can work with you on skills knowing you are not going to pass out from exhaustion during a workout.

I want nothing more than to have you contribute to this team. So take the time to workout each day as well as relax. I know you need the rest after four long years of high school athletics! But you have four more great years in front of you. I am so excited to have you on campus working out with us this summer! The girls and I will be here to get you through it.

Have a great rest of your summer and I will see you sooner than you think!
Your teammate