There are many types of squat exercises. For instance, some people use barbells with heavy weights attached in order to maximize their leg muscles. If this is not your goal and you are only hoping to tone your legs and buttocks, use lighter weights. Always begin with what you are comfortable with and work your way up if desired.

Squat exercises will also work the lower back muscles, hamstrings and glutes in addition to the quadriceps and butt muscles. By performing a variety of squat exercises, you will hit various muscle groups. For example, while in the back squat position place your feet wider than shoulder width, you will involve the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps muscles on the outside upper thighs, and your hips. By standing shoulder width apart in the front squat position, you will work the quadriceps muscles at the front of your upper thighs in addition to those on the outer quadriceps muscles. Incorporate the Rogers Athletic Squat Pro into your squat training too. Your athletes will not want to use another piece for their leg training.

No matter what type of squat exercise you perform, it is important to avoid bending your lower back. Instead, lower your body so that your upper thighs are parallel to the ground. If you are using a barbell, place it on your upper back and not on the back of your neck. Use light to modest weights and allow the tissue around your spine, both front and back of the body, to strengthen before attempting more challenging weight.

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