Throughout my career motivated individuals have surrounded me. This inspiration at times was tough to feel during the daily grind, and other times the real life energy was obvious. When our paths cross, I am proud to see that the athletes come up to me for a handshake or high five and the stories they remind me about put an instant smile on my face.

This new segment will showcase the letters that many have written, myself or the athletes and coaches that I have worked with; to share their inspiration with those we call “teammates.” As you read through the messages that are shared, please remember that what is inside you can separate you from the rest. Look around and you may be surprised how many others are in need of just a little enthusiasm to push them closer to their goals: professionally, physically, mentally, etc.

I will begin with a letter that I sent to a team that I am still very proud of to this day. No names needed. Just a sincere message that I hope can impact others to pay it forward by giving energy to those around them.

Please leave your feedback in the comments section at the bottom. How are you preparing your team, coaches, administrators, staff, co-workers, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers to have a positive mindset in both good and challenging times?


Congratulations on graduating! I hope you are excited for what lies ahead of you. Not only will you experience one of the biggest transitions of your life, but you will also experience something really great.

“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” – Pre

The above quote is my favorite of all time. It is the backbone to anything and everything I do. As we begin our summer workouts, we must keep this in mind at all times. We need to be on the same page. When we come in on that hot August day, everyone should be able to look at one another and know that each of us did their part. That when you wanted to quit on that last 300 yd. shuttle or last full field sprint…you didn’t! And you CRUSHED that sprint! If all of us on this team can come in with this attitude and work ethic, we WILL be unstoppable!

I remember three years ago when I was reading these same letters. Honestly, I regret not listening to them. I decided to just have fun and do whatever I wanted for the summer and I certainly paid for it. Yes, I passed the fitness test, but barely. Yes, I got playing time, but hardly. I knew I was better than that though. I failed myself and more importantly I failed my team. If one person is not doing their duty to each other, we are simply that much weaker. Our success depends on each and every player on this team. If we all do our best this summer we can accomplish our goals.

Know that this IS our year! Come in and be ready to fight for a starting spot. We WILL be Champions! We WILL get to the 2nd round of the NCAA’s! We WILL be a Top 20 program! I have two questions to leave you with: Are YOU ready!? And will YOU be ready!?

Welcome to the family!
Your teammate