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STT's tip of the month for February 2010

Only have 30 minutes to workout today?  Try an interval workout! Get on the treadmill, then stepper, bike, and then back on the treadmill for five minutes each.  After each five minute segment complete 15 pull-ups, 15 dips, 15 push-ups, and 15 squats. You'll reduce your risk of heart attack, lower your blood pressure, and [...]

By |2010-02-01T11:53:19-05:00February 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for January 2010

Are you already telling yourself what you are going to do different in 2010 to get back in shape?  Remember to write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to.  For example, "I will try to lose one pound of body fat every week."  Or "I will walk for 30 minutes minimum [...]

By |2010-01-01T12:01:57-05:00January 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip #2 of the month for December 2009

Too busy shopping for the holidays to squeeze in your workout?  Be creative!  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Walk up or down the escalators.  Try parking on the top level of the parking garage and walk down the stairs to the lowest level before heading into the store.  How about a stretch break [...]

By |2009-12-15T08:00:03-05:00December 15th, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for December 2009

Looking for a way to eat healthier this year?  Take fifteen minutes off your cardio today and throw away all the junk and processed foods that are in your house.  Find the time to replace these "bingeable" foods with fresh, whole foods like lots of water and veggies.  Then buy a new pair of sneakers, [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:06:08-04:00December 1st, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip #2 of the month for November 2009

As the days get shorter, it is a good time to adopt the principles of optimism and positive thinking.  The days may be getting colder, but you don’t have to let this chill your attitude.  Optimism may help us stay healthier physically too.  A positive outlook can help us manage stress and can be a [...]

By |2009-11-15T12:00:59-05:00November 15th, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for November 2009

The holidays make it hard to stay on track at times.  Develop a system to reward yourself.  When goals are achieved, reward yourself.  Would a new workout outfit, pair of jeans, shoes -- or what the heck, even a spa treatment, shopping spree, or weekend getaway get you excited about stringing some great months of [...]

By |2009-11-01T06:35:33-05:00November 1st, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip #2 of the month for October 2009

Times are tough and money is tight for all of us.  It may even seem difficult to maintain a healthy diet.  But mealtime doesn’t have to be costly. With proper planning, meals can be convenient, healthy and inexpensive.  Try these helpful insights: make one-pot meals, use portion control, go meatless two to three times a [...]

By |2009-10-15T12:00:22-04:00October 15th, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for October 2009

Are you eating five times per day?  If so, great!  If not, increase gradually your number. If you have only been eating twice, go to three, then four, and so on. Try a meal replacement or packing a snack to make it more convenient. Do not allow more than four hours to go by without [...]

By |2009-10-01T01:37:17-04:00October 1st, 2009|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for September 2009

It’s 3:00 pm, are you wondering what’s for dinner or thinking about that workout after work?  If that voice in your head is thinking cookies, help yourself out by packing a snack.  Curb your appetite by providing fuel for your after-work walk or workout at the gym. Some great snack ideas include: reduced-fat peanut butter [...]

By |2009-09-01T07:03:43-04:00September 1st, 2009|STT tips of the month|