Career Resource

SMARTER Team Training offers internship opportunities in multiple disciplines for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the military. Please understand that these internship positions are designed to give an individual “hands on” experience, and to provide an educational opportunity to learn training protocols that are prudent, productive, practical, and purposeful.

Certainly, there are limited employment opportunities in the sports performance field at the private, collegiate, and professional levels. However, if you have the appropriate educational credentials and a sincere passion for “rolling up your sleeves” and conducting “hands on”/individualized training, STT would encourage you to pursue your dream.

Thank you for your interest in the SMARTER Team Training Internship Program. Please contact Coach Taylor today regarding internship openings.

Current openings available

Intern-Assistant to the Performance Team
Intern-Assistant Public/Media Relations and Marketing Team
Intern-Assistant Audio, Video, and Visual Team
Intern-Assistant Creative Design Team

STT Interns receive valuable experience through training and practical experience.

– Acquire the knowledge, in a “hands on” fashion, to prescribe and implement a strength and conditioning program for clients and athletes through a comprehensive program which requires active participation in all aspects.
– Acquire the knowledge to prescribe and implement aerobic, anaerobic and metabolic conditioning; and flexibility programs for various ages and levels of clients and athletes.
– Acquire the knowledge of proper exercise techniques and the use of strength training equipment.
– Acquire the basic knowledge of rehabilitating exercise techniques.
– Acquire the knowledge of safety procedures and potential hazardous situations as they relate to the sports performance environment.
– Develop working knowledge of computer skills, audio editing, filming, and video production in a variety of programs and applications.
– Develop scientific research and writing skills which can be used to develop blogs, articles, and marketing pieces.
– Develop a positive coaching disposition and professional image through working with different individuals first hand and projects with world-wide visibility.

Internship applications are accepted at any time throughout the year. Requirements include:

– Rising seniors, individuals who have just completed their undergraduate degree, graduate students, or members of the military interested in a career in the strength and conditioning field preferred.
– A commitment of a minimum of 30 hours a week.
– Prior experience in strength training environment, preferably with student-athletes.
-Currently certified in CPR and First Aid.
– Eligible to take the NSCA-CSCS, NSPA-CCS, NASM or NASE examinations.

Previous intern course work prior to internship experience:

– Anatomy, Physiology, and Exercise Physiology
– Kinesiology and Biomechanics
– Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury
– CPR Training and Certification
– Sports Nutrition
– Statistics
– Computer Science
– Marketing
– Audio and Video Production
– Graphic Design

Application Procedure

Email resume, cover letter and three references complete with phone numbers to Coach Taylor by clicking here.

Internship Program Feedback

An open dialogue is crucial to the educational process. As young professionals learn and develop there become a unique bond established. Read the feedback below to learn more about the program through the eyes and lives of the interns and their academic supervisors.

What aspect of the internship experience were you most intrigued about?

“A friend of mine who was in the program let me know about it at a conference and he informed me about the networking opportunities that the experience could lead to. Also it was my first opportunity to work with Division I athletes so that Monday after the conference I came in and interviewed and started that week.” – Joe Griffin, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Anaheim Angels Organization

Did the structure of the weekly duties help with your experience?

“I really enjoyed the weekly duties; it made it easier to accomplish all of the long term goals that were set before us. The clarity in which the book was laid out also helped, there was very little that was unclear leaving all of my success on my own shoulders.” – Mike Whitman, Fitness Specialist for Club One

“The structure of the program was setup so that each week the intern had a specific set of duties. The completion of the weekly duties was up to the intern to determine when the best time was to complete them. This developed time management skills and broke up large projects into smaller more manageable portions. ” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center
Did you receive enough training to represent yourself as a professional in the field?

“The first couple weeks of the internship were very intense. I was expected to learn all of the programs and be able to teach them efficiently to each client. By the end of this time I was confident that I could represent myself as a knowledgeable professional.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

Did you receive adequate support/guidance during your internship?

“Yes a lot of tough love and constructive criticism, if I was not doing something right Coach Taylor would let me know right away and would give an example of what would happen if I did that as a coach at another program. Also you were praised or given positive feedback if he liked the way you were performing.” – Joe Griffin, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Anaheim Angels Organization

“I received guidance and support daily. If I had questions or wanted advice I could always feel confident seeking information from Coach Taylor.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

How has the internship helped prepare you for a position in the field?

“While interning one of the first pieces of information you learn is how to be a professional, in all circumstances. Although it sounds simple it is one of the things that never went forgotten long after the experience ended.” – Mike Whitman, Fitness Specialist for Club One

“Throughout the internship I developed my own coaching style and developed skills that improved my coaching. I have made contacts with numerous influential people in the industry.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

Did you receive sufficient feedback throughout your internship?

“Yes whether it was good or bad I always knew where Coach Taylor stood with me and that was one of my favorite things about the experience. At the end of the week I would receive a text message or email thanking me for helping out and bringing energy to the workouts a real appreciation for the work I put in.” – Joe Griffin, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Anaheim Angels Organization

“Feedback was provided daily and was always constructive. This continuous support and constructive feedback allowed me to grow as a professional and be confident in the coaching I was providing.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

What was most satisfying about your internship?

“The most satisfying part of the internship was having the confidence to be in any gym, working with virtually any population, and being confident in what you are doing as a professional. In a field where there are many opinions on what is best, it is a great personal feeling to be able to defend every action you are making as a professional with both research and experience.” – Mike Whitman, Fitness Specialist for Club One

Did this internship help you to prepare for your career goals?

“Yes I am so much more confident in myself as a coach and my own program design where before I was never sure if the workouts I created were efficient. The hours put in were well worth and I would do it again in a heartbeat.” – Joe Griffin, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Anaheim Angels Organization

How would you rate Coach Taylor as an internship supervisor?

“As both a person and an educator his supervision was fantastic. He never said he was too busy to help me with something, actually it was quite the contrary, he often made time to answer any questions I had. He treated me like a professional in the field; not once did he belittle me for not knowing something, he just helped me fill in whatever pieces I was missing.” – Mike Whitman, Fitness Specialist for Club One

“I would rate Coach Taylor as an excellent supervisor. He is a very busy professional but was willing to take the time and energy to share his knowledge and resources in the field.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

How did Coach Taylor influence you as a young professional in the field?

“There was a lot I had to learn about the industry and figure out which direction I wanted to take. I was given advice about if I wanted to go down the college or professional team path or if I wanted to head down the private sector path. I had many questions about the field and how it worked and they were all answered through that experience. I am at a great place in my career and I would not be there without the opportunity with Coach Taylor. If any young person is thinking about getting into strength and conditioning or is on the fence about it go work with Coach Taylor you will get a great experience that will help shape your career.” – Joe Griffin, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Anaheim Angels Organization

“Coach Taylor helped me define my personal beliefs and coaching style. I feel any young professional who learns under Coach Taylor will be prepared to enter the field and be successful.” – Adam O’Brien, Director of FX Performance Training Center

What aspect of the internship experience were your students most intrigued about?

“The students were intrigued with the concept of ‘thinking outside the box’…not just 3 sets of 10 reps. This allowed the students to be creative, innovative, and to think critically.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

Did the structure of the weekly duties help with your student’s experience?

“Yes. The students enjoyed having specific guidelines for each week and felt a sense of accomplishment after achieving their goals.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

Did the interns receive enough training to represent themselves as a professional in the field?

“Yes. I noticed a marked difference in the way students presented themselves after interning with Coach Taylor and SMARTER Team Training. They were more confident in their abilities, focused on their career goals, and presented themselves in a professional manner.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

How has the internship helped prepare the young professionals for a position in the field?

“The internship encourages discipline, hard work, perseverance, and determination.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

What was most satisfying about the internship experience?

“The most satisfying aspects of the internship include the vast amount of knowledge achieved, the support of the staff, and the confidence gained through the experience.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

How would you rate Coach Taylor as an internship host?

“Students have commented on Coach Taylor’s positive feedback and willingness to allow for independent, individualized professional growth.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley

How did Coach Taylor influence the young professional in the field during their experience?

“He validated students’ interest and enthusiasm for the field and even changed the minds of those who thought they wanted to pursue a different career path.” – Professor Jennifer Moxley





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