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We need leaders on the field! Take control of the huddle! You are a senior, step up and get control of your team! Any athlete has or will soon hear these types of phases from their coach. Are we born leaders? Are we comfortable following? Do we all demonstrate leadership the same way? “A team beats individuals every time” is a quote you may see in a locker room, but how do you develop leaders? A team? Time needs to be dedicated to developing these traits just as you would spend time working on your off hand, watching film, or getting that extra fitness in before the sun comes up. Taking the time to challenge teamwork, camaraderie, and cohesion can add W’s to the season. Watch this clip from Scott Swanson at last year’s Strength and Conditioning/Athletic Development Conference that will not only identify leaders, but will also improve your team’s communication. Challenge your teammates, schedule recovery workouts, and improve the intangibles to make you even more successful this season.

For more information on STT’s events this year, CLICK HERE. Be sure to check out the audio interview series on iTunes too. CLICK HERE to see who is featured this week. Take advantage of all things STT by joining STT Nation and networking with those on the SMARTER team today! A 30+ minute video has been added for those who join the newsletter too.