STT PODCAST(410) 929-0788

STT on

Check out this article from STT on  I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  Any other ideas on "Rest and Recovery"?  I can't wait to read them. And, here is part 2 of the STT article on  A new article on basketball appropriate conditioning will be coming soon.  I look forward to hearing [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:06:09-04:00November 15th, 2009|STT Basketball|

SC/AD Conference in Baltimore, MD update

[tubepress video="xdANtab8PE0"] WOW!  What a weekend.  Sincerely thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in the 2009 SC/AD Conference sponsored by Polar.  The second year in a row with over 170 in attendance is phenomenal considering the economy and other obstacles that are present in our lives today.  Many thanks to my staff, [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:06:10-04:00July 21st, 2009|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT in the NSCA Performance Journal

Check out this article from STT featured in the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Performance Journal.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  Any other ideas on "Soccer Conditioning"?  I can't wait to read them.  I look forward to hearing about sport-appropriate athletic development drills from everyone.

By |2020-10-08T22:06:11-04:00April 11th, 2009|STT Soccer|