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STT on YouTube – Hip and Core Training

[tubepress video="x1dLcmZdspY"] If you are looking for an exercise to help teach an athlete how to squeeze the posterior chain, check out this clip. Use this exercise in a circuit before or after practice too. As the athlete progresses and understands how to engage their abdominals, muscles of the low back, glutes, and hamstrings only [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:53-04:00April 17th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT's tip #2 of the month for April 2010

There may be a connection between stress and its effects on increased blood cholesterol and higher blood pressure.  Try these tips to help manage your stress: take a short trip for a change of scenery, find time to laugh with a humor break, organize yourself and manage your time, find ten minutes for yourself and [...]

By |2010-04-15T06:42:32-04:00April 15th, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT on YouTube – 7 Up

[tubepress video="3m-ax9xvozA"] This protocol is tough. If your looking for something new to add a mental toughness component to your next workout, this is the one for you. Try this with any pulling exercise, upper or lower body. Add competition into the mix and your entire training session will be taken to another level. For [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:54-04:00March 27th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT’s workout of the month for March 2010

Why is it that you hear people saying “I need to stretch”, but when I watch personal training sessions or sit down to help plan a practice session the first thing they want to cut out because of time constraints is flexibility.  Very few sessions that I have witnessed whether in the athletic or private [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:54-04:00March 24th, 2010|STT Flexibility|

STT on YouTube – Shoulder Training

[tubepress video="sdVQZhS-yb8"] Need an excuse to get outside and get your workout in? Look around and find a place you can do some dips with a training partner. After each set of dips, try this shoulder finisher to complete your shoulder training. Variety is key for the body and mind. Don't just get stuck in [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:54-04:00March 21st, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT on YouTube Update

In just three months, STT's 50+ clips have been viewed over 7,500 times and STT's channel has had over 2,800 visits. STT also just reached a milestone of 100 subscribers. Looking forward to even greater numbers with the launch of the additional clips coming soon. Be sure to check out each clip on STT on [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:54-04:00March 18th, 2010|About STT|

STT's tip #2 of the month for March 2010

Looking for a way to burn an extra few calories a day?  How about a few ways to burn 100 or more without even thinking about it?  Set you alarm 15 minutes early and stop hitting the snooze three times.  Get up and go for a walk every morning before heading to work.  After two [...]

By |2010-03-15T05:39:08-04:00March 15th, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT on Facebook Update

It is always nice to set goals and recognize when you reach them. STT has gone over 500 fans on Facebook today! Our team is growing and the support has been outstanding. Thank you for becoming involved with all facets of the SMARTER Team Training programs, from social networking to blog posts, video clips, clinics, [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:55-04:00March 4th, 2010|About STT|

STT's tip of the month for March 2010

Recently one of my athletes asked “Does sleep really affect our recovery from training?”  Without question it does.  Good, uninterrupted sleep allows your body to recover from the stress of training as well as all the work your body has done throughout the day.  Getting 7-9 hours a night allows hormone levels to balance, muscles [...]

By |2010-03-01T04:37:36-05:00March 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|