Yesterday I posted a blog touching on the topic of “mental training”. As I read it this morning, I wanted to follow up with a quick reminder about a serious scenario athletes deal with every day. And one that needs our sincere attention now! I am happy to get the feedback from STT nation yesterday. I appreciate you asking for more info about the following topic and presentations. So here it is…

Concussions are a HUGE topic of late. Not only in Football, so let’s talk off the grid iron for a bit. Last week a women’s lacrosse player had to sit out of a playoff game because of what was reported as “concussion like symptoms.” A softball player missed a tournament because of a “concussion.” A pro baseball player came back from a lengthy time away from the game after sustaining a “concussion.” I am sure if I looked a bit further than what was right there on the TV, on the internet, or in the paper, I could find more non-Football related stories about how head trauma, concussion like symptoms, and concussions themselves are effecting teams, players, and their health. And that was just in the past week! It is time to get serious about this issue now. PLEASE!

Dr. Kevin Crutchfield, Mike Gittleson, and Ralph Cornwell have been assembled to present on this topic from several angles. As a neurologist, and former soccer player with a history of concussions, Dr. Crutchfield will be breaking down the ramifications of what actually is happening to our brains. Coach Gittleson will be demonstrating an approach and techniques that you can implement into your program to help reduce the risks associated with head, neck, and upper back traumas. Ralph Cornwell will be putting the two together as he showcases his current research before anyone else can read his results.

Interested in the inside scoop? Yes, Mr. Cornwell gave me a little information that is certainly worth sharing about his research. And here’s our quick conversation…

STT: What was the rep tempo of your testing protocol?

Mr. Cornwell: Keep in mind, the speed of movement used was 3-4 second concentric 4-5 second eccentric, there was a pause in the contracted position of 1 second or the rep was not counted.

STT: How strict were the reps in regard to form? How did you progress the athletes in the study?

Mr. Cornwell: Over the weeks of the study the form became better and the weight increases continued steadily without compromising the strictest of technique required.

STT: So tell me what you saw as a max improvement? And I have to ask, what was the minimum?

Mr. Cornwell: Here it is for you. Plain and simple.

Most Improvement in 8 weeks
4 inch circumference increase in upper neck,
3 3/4 inch circumference change in lower neck
53. 5 pound increase in head and neck extension
49.5 pound increase in flexion
140 lb increase in parallel grip row
261 lb increase in levator scapula/ shoulder girdle elevation barbell movement

Least Improvement in 8 weeks
1.5 inch increase in circumference upper neck
2.5 inch increase in circumference in lower neck
125 pound increase in parallel grip row
47.5 pound increase in neck extension
44 pound increase in head and neck flexion
215 pound increase in levator scapula/ shoulder girdle elevation barbell movement

For more information on STT’s events this year, CLICK HERE. Be sure to check out the audio interview series on iTunes too. CLICK HERE to see who is featured this week. Take advantage of all things STT by joining STT Nation and networking with those on the SMARTER team today! A 30+ minute video has been added for those who join the newsletter too.

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