Versatility is important when you begin to consider square footage in your facility. The Row-and-Pull from Pit Shark offers many exercise options in a small footprint. It is quick to switch exercises from shrugs to rows to RDLs then deadlift. This sequence on the Pit Shark Row-and-Pull can be used as a finisher, circuit, or when strength training is the primary focus.
Most trainees see the bi-lateral setup to Pit Shark Row-and-Pull, but overlook that this piece has been designed to function independently too. Changing out the straight bar attachment for handles is quick and easy. Using a single handle gives this piece the feel of training with a dumbbell. Add the thick grip barbell or handle options and this piece will have you wanting more.
Coach Taylor’s go to exercise…
“Without any question this four exercise series with Pit Shark and Rogers Athletic equipment is tough. Set up the Row-and-Pull for straight bar RDLs. Complete 3-5 good reps with a smart weight for the trainee. Then right to the Power Squat Pro for 3-5 quality reps. Back to the Row-and-Pull for bench rows pinning the bar to the seat for 3-5 solid reps. Then to the Shoulder Incline for 3-5 controlled rep. Then using these exercises repeat the same sequence for 5-7, 6-8, and 8-10. You will have that good ‘sore’ feeling all over your body the next day or two when you do this protocol right.”– Rob Taylor, Jr., Founder and Owner of SMARTER Team Training

Alex keeps it creative with…
“The Pit Shark Row-and-Pull is actually my favorite method to use for shrugs, among others such as rows, deadlifts, RDLs, etc. Rather than a classic dumbbell shrug, the pulling motion on the Pit Shark Row-and-Pull has an incredibly smooth pull and can be band loaded for accommodating resistance. I prefer a shrug on the Pit Shark Row-and-Pull over any other option.” – Alex Walsh, Performance Coach

Versatile and productive training…
“The Pit Shark Row and Pull has to be one of the most versatile pieces of equipment here at STT. By using the handle and bar attachments, we can add simple weak link exercises such as shoulder shrugs, to more complex exercises such as upper body rows and lower body deadlifts and RDLs. For a good lower body routine, pair the Pit Shark Row and Pull RDLs with the Pendulum Strength Power Squat Pro. My favorite upper body superset is bent over rows paired with the Pit Shark Push-Up.” – Ade Parkes, Performance Coach
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