The Full Racks from Rogers Athletic make an immediate visual impact at SMARTER Team Training. The Pendulum Racks are made to look and feel tough. The large columns add to the sturdy design giving the trainee an incredible sense of confidence. It is easy to adjust the cross braces to accommodate an incredible variety of exercises that can be accomplished inside these rack. The Lock-and-Load hooks, benches, and spotting stands help maintain a safe and effective training environment.
The numerous attachments available on the Rogers Pendulum Racks are also impressive. The adjustable chin-up, mono post dip bar, core developer, rope pull, and custom cross beam all add to the nearly endless list of exercises that can be used while training. The days of the squat rack being only used for squat, bench, and pull up are over. The comprehensive programming that can occur in and around the racks from Rogers Athletic will have you prepared for game day.

The Rogers Athletic Full Rack is manufactured by Rogers Athletic. Discover other training equipment on their profile page.
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Coach Taylor’s go to exercise…
“People get bored with predictable warm-ups or they can also be looking for a challenging way to finish off a great training session. A superset with the Rogers Athletic Core Developer and Adjustable Chin-Up will give you something to remember. Try four reps on squats with the Core Developer, then four reps on bench, and then four inverted rows on the Adjustable Chin-Up. Without any rest, continue to the next set for eight on each exercise. Follow this round with 12, 16, and then 20. Your heart will be pumping, legs burning, and arms hanging if you have the commitment to push throughout.”– Rob Taylor, Jr., Founder and Owner of SMARTER Team Training

Alex keeps it creative with…
“Possibilities with the Rogers Athletic Rack are virtually limitless. My favorite workout is what we call ‘Attack the Rack’ and is a full body workout that will have you completely spent after 3 rounds. There are multiple versions of ‘Attack the Rack,’ as there are so many different attachments and different possible arrangements. One upper body option is to set up the bench press, adjustable chin-up bar, shoulder press, and adjustable rope pull. Complete a set to failure of each of these exercises (and then 2 rope pulls on each side) in an alternating push/pull fashion and you have a perfect strength circuit with a high metabolic demand as well.” – Alex Walsh, Performance Coach

Let’s get in the rack…
“The Pendulum Strength Rack is so versatile it gives us the ability to train an individual, group and team in minimal space to maximize time efficiency during a workout. Having the ability to train the upper body, lower body and core all in one space creates endless workouts to focus on strength, power and total body conditioning all in one workout.” – Ade Parkes, Performance Coach
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