Rogers Athletic Lat Combo Pull has been a great addition to SMARTER Team Training. The vertical pull is smooth. The grip attachments allows for training variety. Plus it is makes training efficient when there are a broad demographic of heights, arm lengths, and strength.
Training on the Lat Combo Pull with the long or short rotating handles has made strengthening the full range of motion of the biceps effective. Using the Rope Pull attachments will really demand a lot from the muscles of the hand and forearm. With the Lat Straps, we can also isolate the muscles of the back without having to be concerned with hand or bicep fatigue. This piece from Rogers Athletic is excellent for post-rehabilitation as well.

The Rogers Athletic Lat Combo is manufactured by Rogers Athletic. Discover other training equipment on their profile page.
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Coach Taylor’s go to exercise…
“The Rope is probably my favorite attachment for this piece. The next time you train, try executing five reps with both arms with a five second pause at the bottom, then choose only one arm to do up to five regular controlled reps, switch to the other arm for up to five reps, and finish the set with five reps again with a five second pause. Your hands and forearms will be screaming. I like to combine this protocol with exercises in Rogers Pendulum Racks. In time, stronger hands will develop a stronger body and more confidence.”– Rob Taylor, Jr., Founder and Owner of SMARTER Team Training

Alex keeps it creative with…
“A good change up on the Lat Combo Pull for pulling exercises is the ‘747’ protocol. This consists of seven repetitions with a set weight, add 15 lbs. for female athletes or 25 lbs. for male athletes and complete four repetitions. Finally, take that weight off and complete seven more reps. The athlete can start with a heavier weight next time if they achieve more than 18 total reps with incredible form. We get great feedback when we use this protocol on the 3-Way Row too.” – Alex Walsh, Performance Coach

It is Coach Ade’s favorite piece because…
“The Lat Combo Pull is my favorite upper body piece of equipment here at STT because it is so versatile. You can pull bi-lateral or uni-lateral and there are multiple handles and grip options. My favorite option is the arm sling because if an athlete comes in with a hand/finger or forearm injury we can adjust the weight and still work the back.” – Ade Parkes, Performance Coach
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