This week on iTunes, STT interviews a man who has been researching a common topic lately, concussions and collision sports. Ralph Cornwell’s profession for the past 20 years has been in the fitness industry as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at some of the finest institutions of higher learning around the United States. He has been fortunate enough to have owned and operated two successful One-on-One Training Fitness Facilities.  Through his website he intends to pass the knowledge on to others in search of their fitness goals.  He has been fortunate enough to work with some of the best minds in the Strength and Conditioning field.

The SMARTER Team Training Audio Interview Series has been developed to share insights from some of the best in the industry. Stay tuned for more insights, tips, drills, and techniques to come from STT on iTunes. Be sure to share the STT Audio Interview Series with coaches, trainers, parents, and athletes too.