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STT on YouTube – Chest Training

[tubepress video="ICMuyFbRHy8"] For more clips, check out STT on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, rate, and leave a comment for each of the clips. More are coming soon, so check back with STT often for tips, exercises, and drills to help your athletes.

By |2020-10-08T22:05:44-04:00November 28th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT’s workout of the month for November 2010

What do your clients or athletes have in common?  I will give you a hint.  Do the words shoulder, chest, hamstrings, and hips help?  They are tight!  On just about everyone these areas are particularly tight, which can lead to imbalances in your muscle groups and ultimately injuries.   Stretching needs to be individualized just like [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:44-04:00November 24th, 2010|STT Flexibility|

STT's tip #2 of the month for November 2010

Looking for ways to get your kids away from that TV?  How about teaching them something else that is entertaining and rewarding to boot.  With today’s busy lifestyles, families don’t always eat as healthfully as we would like.  Get the youth of our country involved with meal time.  Have them make several fruit and vegetable [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:44-04:00November 15th, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for November 2010

What’s the number to that great pizza joint around the corner?  If you read that question and know the answer or worse yet have the number on speed dial, ask yourself this one next… What is your blood pressure?  Better yet, what is your HDL/LDL count?  If you have no idea what yours is then [...]

By |2010-11-01T04:08:52-04:00November 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT on YouTube – Core Training Series

[tubepress video="IHH6t65iEzU"] Ab and low back exercises should be part of your routine every time you workout. From warm up to strength training to flexibility, the region of the body often called the "core" needs to be trained properly. The muscles of the abdomen and low back need to be warmed up, stretched, trained, and [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:45-04:00October 25th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT’s workout of the month for October 2010

I’m sure we have all see the guy at the gym stuck on the bench press and the multiple variations of pressing movements.  Often times you notice that when he racks the weight or drops the dumbbells as loud and as hard as possible, that he quickly grabs his shoulder and makes a circular motion [...]

By |2010-10-18T04:15:12-04:00October 18th, 2010|STT Strength|

STT on YouTube – One and a Quarter

[tubepress video="vKNhqJx835U"] Working in various rep ranges, time under tension, and cadences is always fun. Another way to add creativity to your workout is to make each rep"s range of motion just a little longer. Try using the same weight as "usual" but add 25% more length to each rep and try to get your [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:45-04:00October 16th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT's tip #2 of the month for October 2010

Feeling a bit overwhelmed?  Finding it hard to justify taking “me” time?  Some of us find sitting down and relaxing stressful.  But it is necessary to do.  If you need to schedule these moments with yourself then do it.  Find time to truly savor the good things in your life; things others have done for [...]

By |2010-10-15T04:47:36-04:00October 15th, 2010|STT tips of the month|

STT's tip of the month for October 2010

Lately I have been getting more and more questions regarding strength training.  The MINIMUM amount of strength training recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine is eight to twelve repetitions of eight to ten exercises, at a moderate intensity, two days a week. Keep your strength program simple.  Remember your keys to success: overload, [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:45-04:00October 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|