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Be Grateful For Your Parents…

Your potential to generate gains in strength and lean muscle is inherited from your genetics. The magnitude of your muscular gains is dictated by how favorable your genetic predisposition is for gaining strength and size. We all have an ultimate ability to gain strength and muscular size. The quality and intensity of exercise and the [...]

Technical Or Old School, But Effective…

Understanding what your body is doing when you run is important to increasing speed and demonstrating the hard work you put in to develop your conditioning. Many sports are played with a ball at your feet or in your hand, the need to push off of, block, or stay in contact with an opponent, or [...]

You Design Your Program

When you look at all of the things your coach tells you that you need to improve on to help the team next year, you may be overwhelmed. Even coaches struggle with where to fit it all in. Developing athletes and teams takes patience and persistence. Two qualities successful athletes, coaches, and programs hold in [...]

Do You Have A Desire To Progress?

The most important component of successful training is an unremitting desire to progress. Athletes and coaches sometimes become frustrated by lack of gains “their program” delivers. This leads to a search for magical solutions, food supplements, exercises and equipment. Typically the “program” will be changed, perhaps changing exercises, set, reps, percentages or speed of movement. [...]

Make A Positive Impact!

If you are looking to make a positive impact on your team this season, start with the repetition. Each game boils down to how plays are executed. Turn overs, miscommunication, being out of position, over playing the ball, etc can all result in a disappointing season. The same goes for strength training. How you execute [...]