STT PODCAST(410) 929-0788

STT's tip of the month for June 2010

Recently at lunch, I read what was being advertised on the drink packaging and had to laugh.  Some of these juices, teas, soft drinks, and flavored water promised to improve memory, mood, relieve stress, increase energy, and fight fat.  How can a 300 calorie beverage fight fat?  I must have missed that research.  These drinks [...]

By |2010-06-01T04:37:57-04:00June 1st, 2010|STT tips of the month|

SC/AD Conference in Baltimore, MD update

[tubepress video="xb59cuXrzTM"] The who’s who of the strength and conditioning field are attending this year’s SC/AD Conference.  Have you registered yet?  The vendor area continues to grow and we had to expand our seating already for this year’s event.  Space is getting tight.  Register today to ensure you get a seat at the event of [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:50-04:00May 28th, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT on YouTube – Squat Position Homework

[tubepress video="fBnGtGCk_y4"] Looking for an quick assessment for your clients? Maybe you need something for a "take home" assignment for your athletes? This clip shows you three progressive homework assignments to help reinforce good body position from beginners to advanced trainees. Remember to coach proper body mechanics and challenge yourself by walking your toes closer [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:50-04:00May 26th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

SC/AD Michigan Clinic Wrap-Up

STT took another step this weekend with its first ever regional clinic. As this aspect of the education program grows only good things can come of it. I will be posting some highlight clips and pictures from the event in the next few weeks. The post on Friday started off the weekend just right. Honestly [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:50-04:00May 24th, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT in Detroit, MI

Sitting here in the Holiday Inn Express in Wixom, MI getting ready to head over to the Total Performance Center to set up for tomorrow's clinic. I am heading over to meet Jim Kielbaso and see what he has in store for tomorrow. The facility is great. The line up of speakers is legit! And [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:51-04:00May 21st, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT’s workout of the month for May 2010

Grab a friend or teammate and try this drill today.  When your legs are screaming and sweat is dropping on the floor, remember that your competition probably did one more rep.  Begin by facing each other four to six yards apart.  One partner takes a knee and other begins in an athletic position.  The individual [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:51-04:00May 19th, 2010|STT Agility|

STT on YouTube – Negative Accentuated

[tubepress video="H_hGIE7MCOU"] Trying to teach your athletes or clients how to emphasize the eccentric phase of each rep? Or maybe looking for a creative approach to eliminating momentum and increasing the intensity? Try this protocol in your next workout to focus on the negative. Expect to be sore if done correctly. Also expect to see [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:51-04:00May 17th, 2010|STT on YouTube|

STT's tip #2 of the month for May 2010

Put a stop to consuming excess calories after 8 p.m. by making sure you have a healthy dinner consisting of lean protein, veggies, and fruit.  Eating 19 extra calories at night will lead to two additional pounds of body fat per year.  Try a glass of water to curb your appetite.  Your desire for food [...]

By |2010-05-15T03:44:27-04:00May 15th, 2010|STT tips of the month|

Coach/Trainer interview for May 2010

This month STT interviews Brad Pantall.  Coach Pantall is the Head Speed, Strength, and Conditioning Coach for the Penn State University's basketball programs. Before working with the basketball programs at PSU, Brad was an assistant with the Football program then moved to the Olympic sports side of the department. Coach Pantall has also worked with [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:51-04:00May 9th, 2010|STT Interviews|

SC/AD Michigan clinic update

Your tickets should be booked by now, but if you have put it off to the last minute, sign up today!  Only two weeks left until the best clinic of the year comes to Michigan.  The line up of speakers is stacked.  The Total Performance Center in Wixom is ready.  And over 150 participants, and [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:52-04:00May 8th, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|