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STT’s workout of the month for July 2010

Your emotional state may affect your flexibility training.  If your mind is relaxed, your body will be more responsive to flexibility training.  What does it take for you to relax?  Don’t know?  Try listening to music and focusing on your breathing.  This is easy to do during your warm up.  Huh?  Yep, your warm up [...]

By |2010-07-24T04:17:12-04:00July 24th, 2010|STT Flexibility|

Special offer for SC/AD Conference

[tubepress video="tloL1ze_49c"] Have you heard that there is now special bonus offers for registering for the 4th Annual Strength & Conditioning/Athletic Development Conference sponsored by Zephyr Technology? This year’s event will be held on Friday and Saturday, July 23 and 24.  The conference has been designed specifically for high school, college and professional coaches, strength [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:48-04:00July 2nd, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT’s workout of the month for June 2010

Often we read or hear about new ab exercises or a piece of equipment that guarantees you a six pack without really exercising.  How about sticking to what works?  A throw back exercise if you will.  If you have not tried this one in awhile, you are missing out.  Begin the exercise lying on your [...]

By |2010-06-20T04:03:27-04:00June 20th, 2010|STT Strength|

STT’s workout of the month for May 2010

Grab a friend or teammate and try this drill today.  When your legs are screaming and sweat is dropping on the floor, remember that your competition probably did one more rep.  Begin by facing each other four to six yards apart.  One partner takes a knee and other begins in an athletic position.  The individual [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:51-04:00May 19th, 2010|STT Agility|

STT’s workout of the month for April 2010

Be creative with your fitness sessions.  Cross training has a huge benefit.  Try this workout to get your heart pumping and it is great with a buddy or two too.  Begin under the backboard on a basket court, and make layup.  Start the clock when the ball leaves the shooter's hand.  Sprint to where mid-court [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:53-04:00April 20th, 2010|STT Cardio and Fitness|

STT’s workout of the month for March 2010

Why is it that you hear people saying “I need to stretch”, but when I watch personal training sessions or sit down to help plan a practice session the first thing they want to cut out because of time constraints is flexibility.  Very few sessions that I have witnessed whether in the athletic or private [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:54-04:00March 24th, 2010|STT Flexibility|

STT’s workout of the month for February 2010

As your athletes get mentally tougher, try changing up the tempo of the reps instead of increasing the resistance.  Try a few sets of a protocol called “super slow”.  In this protocol, the concentric phase is executed in six seconds or longer with perfect posture and form.  After the concentric phase, follow it up with [...]

By |2010-02-19T04:32:51-05:00February 19th, 2010|STT Strength|

STT’s workout of the month for January 2010

I’ll bet you were sitting on the couch this weekend watching the game on TV and your friend said “Anyone can do that!”  Well the challenge has been made.  Get outside and try this agility workout today.  Set up four cones in a “T” pattern. The vertical aspect of the “T” is ten yards.  The [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:56-04:00January 27th, 2010|STT Agility|

STT’s workout of the month for December 2009

When a trainee starts training they often do not realize how much their body can handle.  They do not quite know how hard they can work past what they believe to be exhaustion.  Try the “breakdown” or “drop set” protocol to help educate your athletes about what intensity really is.  Have them execute a set [...]

By |2009-12-24T04:19:00-05:00December 24th, 2009|STT Strength|

STT’s workout of the month for November 2010

Looking for a way to change up your treadmill running program?  What about adding some interval training into your workout?  How about some incline running to really crank up the intensity?  Try this workout to pump up your workout today.  This 15 minute will help take your cardio or strength training to the next level. [...]

By |2009-11-24T13:05:19-05:00November 24th, 2009|STT Cardio and Fitness|