STT PODCAST(410) 929-0788

Coach Taylor featured on

The phone rings and a conversation begins. The call is to see what we do for some of our more advanced jump/landing drills. As the conversations goes on, we find out that the caller would like to use the drills in an upcoming part of their new website. Sounds like a great opportunity right? Well [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:45-04:00November 2nd, 2010|STT Lacrosse|

STT’s workout of the month for October 2010

I’m sure we have all see the guy at the gym stuck on the bench press and the multiple variations of pressing movements.  Often times you notice that when he racks the weight or drops the dumbbells as loud and as hard as possible, that he quickly grabs his shoulder and makes a circular motion [...]

By |2010-10-18T04:15:12-04:00October 18th, 2010|STT Strength|

STT’s workout of the month for September 2010

What happened to tumbling in gym class, teaching the forward roll, or even how to fall and get up quickly?  Incorporate drills that teach athletes how to jump, land, fall, and get up efficiently and safely.  This agility drill is also hard on the cardiovascular system.  Make sure you are ready for this challenge.  This [...]

By |2010-09-21T04:34:59-04:00September 21st, 2010|STT Agility|

STT’s workout of the month for August 2010

Want to punch up your cardio?  Maybe even incorporate some strength work into your heart pounding running?  The next time you run by a park bench, or bring an sturdy box that is just shorter than knee height, think about the numerous exercises that can be done to up the intensity and add some variety [...]

By |2010-08-24T04:43:50-04:00August 24th, 2010|STT Cardio and Fitness|

STT’s workout of the month for July 2010

Your emotional state may affect your flexibility training.  If your mind is relaxed, your body will be more responsive to flexibility training.  What does it take for you to relax?  Don’t know?  Try listening to music and focusing on your breathing.  This is easy to do during your warm up.  Huh?  Yep, your warm up [...]

By |2010-07-24T04:17:12-04:00July 24th, 2010|STT Flexibility|

Special offer for SC/AD Conference

[tubepress video="tloL1ze_49c"] Have you heard that there is now special bonus offers for registering for the 4th Annual Strength & Conditioning/Athletic Development Conference sponsored by Zephyr Technology? This year’s event will be held on Friday and Saturday, July 23 and 24.  The conference has been designed specifically for high school, college and professional coaches, strength [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:48-04:00July 2nd, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|

STT’s workout of the month for June 2010

Often we read or hear about new ab exercises or a piece of equipment that guarantees you a six pack without really exercising.  How about sticking to what works?  A throw back exercise if you will.  If you have not tried this one in awhile, you are missing out.  Begin the exercise lying on your [...]

By |2010-06-20T04:03:27-04:00June 20th, 2010|STT Strength|

STT and GISP Speed Camp

[tubepress video="eTp9DtLTv3M"] SMARTER Team Training and the Gordon Institute of Sports Performance are launching the first of many speed camps on Wednesday, June 10 at 6 pm. This $20 event will be at GISP's brand new facility in Baltimore, MD. For pictures of the facility, go to and call 410-828-8218 to register today! STT [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:05:49-04:00June 12th, 2010|STT Conference/Clinics|