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Train The Brain, Week #22

Article #22 of 50: I have made it a goal of mine to share at least 50 research articles with you to review in 2012. These articles will be shared with no opinion of mine, just purely the information provided in the research and where to go to read more about the topic. This weekly [...]

STT on

As many programs are starting to prepare for their summer phases, you may be looking to add intensity through creativity. Try adding these overloads to your workouts. Find out what STT Founder and Owner, Rob Taylor shared with by clicking here. Read the entire article and let STT know what you are doing to [...]

24 Hour Rule

This article is authored by Doug Scott. Opinions expressed may not be that of SMARTER Team Training, STT sponsors or constituents. Coach Scott has been a member of the Pingry faculty since 1999 and has served as a Physical Education teacher and Strength and Conditioning coach since that time. Doug designs workouts for both male [...]

STT featured on

Sharing information is a big part of learning. The conversations that ensue generally will create further thought or a more focus approach. Having to opportunity to share experiences, tips and techniques is always an honor. now has an article "Adding Hops To Your Off-Season" written by STT Founder and Owner, Rob Taylor. You can [...]

By |2020-10-08T22:04:20-04:00April 24th, 2012|STT Basketball, STT Strength|

Train The Brain, Week #20

Article #20 of 50: I have made it a goal of mine to share at least 50 research articles with you to review in 2012. These articles will be shared with no opinion of mine, just purely the information provided in the research and where to go to read more about the topic. This weekly [...]

Mark Verstegen: A STT Exclusive

This week on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker, STT interviews a world-renowned coach in the sports performance field. An internationally-recognized leader and innovator in the world of athletic performance training, Mark Verstegen is Founder and President of Athletes' Performance, which has set the standard for providing athletes with cutting-edge training based on the latest in sports [...]

Something NEW from STT!

I have been asked to share the drills, tips, techniques and information in the athlete manuals I have used at the professional, collegiate and international level for years now. This information I have kept "in-house" and the only way to get these resources was to attend the “limited seats available” and often times “SOLD OUT” [...]