STT PODCAST(410) 929-0788

Welcome to college.

Standing on the sideline at a recent game, I took time to think back about the outstanding athletes I have had the chance to work with and their development as athletes. That weekend, I worked a speed camp for high school athletes. During the Q&A session with the participants and their parents, one of the [...]

TRAINING – Present To The Path

This article is authored by Sunir Jossan. Opinions expressed may not be that of SMARTER Team Training, STT sponsors or constituents. Mr. Jossan is currently a Director of Fitness for the US Government. He has over 20 years of experience in the fitness field and has worked with a diverse clientele within the Government and [...]

Is it with you?

These days, it’s easier than ever to hydrate yourself during exercise by bringing along a water bottle or other water storage device. Hydration packs are growing in popularity among bikers, runners, and hikers. They provide a hands-free way to stay hydrated and to carry along an ample supply of water during longer workout routines. While [...]

Sunir Jossan: A STT Exclusive

This week on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker, STT interviews a man who prepares the men who protect us everyday. Sunir Jossan is currently a Director of Fitness for the US Government. He has over 20 years of experience in the fitness field and has worked with a diverse clientele within the Government and Military. Sunir [...]

Hey country boy!

Shopping at farmer’s markets or buying food at a grocery store that has been grown locally will also ensure that you are eating whole foods that offer greater health benefits. The longer it takes for food to arrive at your table from its source, the less nutrients it will contain. You might just find yourself [...]

You asked for it.

[tubepress video="GDvo8NGCWG8"] An agility ladder blog had a bunch of feedback and questions about what are some basic drills that can be incorporated into your warm-up, footwork, agility or conditioning session. So here are a few for you to use at your next training session. Begin with a simple routine that will help you to [...]

STT on Spreaker

The SMARTER Team Training podcast has again been expanded. You can now listen to episodes on SPREAKER! CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode with featured interviews from some of the best in professional sports, fitness industry, nutrition fields and so much more. The line up is impressive and growing weekly. Be sure to [...]

STT on Stitcher

The SMARTER Team Training podcast can now be heard on STITCHER! CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode with featured interviews from some of the best in professional sports, fitness industry, nutrition fields and so much more. The line up is impressive and growing weekly. Be sure to share the episodes via Facebook, Twitter [...]

An ISSN Update.

Take the CISSN online now in the convenience of your home or office! The CISSN is the premier sports nutrition certification in the world. To learn more about the CISSN, click here. To register for the CISSN exam, go to: The International Society of Sports Nutrition is recognized as the only not-for-profit academic-based society [...]

Korey Goodwin: A STT Exclusive

This week on iTunes, STT interviews a self-acclaimed "chameleon" of the sports performance industry. Korey Goodwin is the ultimate world-class performance specialist with an ever-growing national reputation in high-tech performance training. Korey specializes in practical building-block fundamentals and state-of-the-art techniques that culminate in the absolute integration of movement efficiency, maximum speed and agility science, broad-spectrum [...]